Russia’s trailer market: Out of mind

A key talking point of the 2014 IAA Commercial Vehicle Show, the bruised Russian economy has failed to turn itself around in time for the next edition of the iconic event. Will it still continue to own the conversation, though?
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The UK’s trailer market

Once hailed as a poster child for commercial vehicle sales, June’s controversial Brexit referendum has presented the British transport equipment market with an unexpected plot twist.
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China’s coming back

After a rocky start to 2016, the Chinese economy recently seemed back on track for growth beyond the magical six per cent mark. But with increasing pressure to reduce its debt burden, it may not be out of the woods just yet.
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USA: Firm but fragmented

The US trailer market has seen steady growth since US President Barack Obama was re-elected to a second term in office in 2012. Can it retain that momentum with the next election now on the horizon?
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Preventing a new global crisis

The most recent World Economic Forum in Davos was overshadowed by a global stock market rout and the European refugee emergency. Are we facing a new global crisis?
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Chinese whispers

After experiencing unprecedented growth for more than a decade, China’s economy has now entered into a transition phase that could see its old economic model become increasingly obsolete. What does that mean for road transport?
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Germany’s trailer market

With consumption on the rise and unemployment at a record low, Germany’s economy should be up for a strong 2016 – if it wasn’t for an increasingly unstable global framework. Is it strong enough to grow anyway?
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India’s trailer market

After a period of slow growth and lacklustre investment, India’s economic narrative has taken a positive turn in 2015. But the final chapter is yet to be written.
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Poland’s trailer market

Despite a successful 25 years of democracy and a decade of EU membership, Poland must continue to invest and develop if the next quarter of a century is to be as celebrated as the last.
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