NatRoad, the largest national association for the Australian road transport industry, has joined IRU as its newest member.
The National Road Transport Association (NatRoad) is a not-for-profit association that supports Australian road transport operators, while the IRU is the International Road Transport Union, a global road transport organisation, upholding the interests of commercial road vehicles.
“With a history spanning 75 years, NatRoad plays a critical role in improving the industry and operating environment for all Australian road transport operators,” said IRU Secretary General, Umberto de Pretto. “The global IRU network will surely benefit from NatRoad’s extensive knowledge in improving sector conditions as well as in sustainability and environmental matters, particularly eco-trucks, given Australia’s long experience with road trains.”
NatRoad is comprised of 2,000 members that together employ more than 15,000 people, and advocate for the country’s $96 billion road freight industry.
Our key priorities are to help our members and create the conditions for a thriving, safe and profitable road transport industry in Australia, and joining IRU will only further these objectives,” said NatRoad CEO, Warren Clark. “Our commitment to safety, efficiency, sustainability and industry best practices aligns perfectly with the values upheld by IRU. We particularly look forward to working with IRU’s global network of national associations and leading international road transport companies to exchange on decarbonisation avenues and best practices.”
In other news, SAF-Holland, has shown an increase in sales and earnings this quarter.