Nation-wide transport protests this weekend

Members of Australia’s Transport Workers Union are expected to descend on all major cities in convoy this weekend as they fight to reform what they call ‘Australia’s deadliest industry’. 

Set for this Saturday, the protests will culminate with a rally outside Parliament in Canberra, with smaller convoys also expected in capital cities. 

“It’s unacceptable that over 80 people have already lost their lives in truck-related incidents this year, with 24 of them being truck drivers,” the Transport Workers Union said in a media release. 

The union is also asking that the Federal Government, by creating a road transport division of the Fair Work Commission, offer policies that provide the industry minimum enforceable standards, specialist advisory groups and an adequately resourced research and enforcement arm. 

In other news, one of America’s largest trucking companies has stopped operations and is expected to file bankruptcy, leaving the country in what experts are calling a delivery crisis.

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