French OEM, Chereau, is preparing to industrialise its Hydrogen Power H2 range.
Chereau is a member of AFHYPAC (French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells) and is involved in various projects to set up the hydrogen sector (H2 Corridor and Ethyr CoManche).
In addition to producing new hydrogen-powered vehicles, Chereau is supporting projects to establish hydrogen stations in its region.
H2Coldchain aims to transform the largely diesel-based cold logistics chain into a fully decarbonated chain using green hydrogen.
The goal of the project, according to Chereau, is to provide transporters with hydrogen refrigerated semi-trailers and prime movers along with hydrogen production and refilling points.
To compensate for the absence of a station and the limited autonomy of the first hydrogen trucks and to guarantee a maximum decarbonated hydrogen, H2Coldchain proposes to integrate a production and distribution station on each industrial site of the cold logistics chain.
It is reported to be possible to produce green hydrogen locally with photovoltaic (PV) panels on roofs or shades, an electrolyse and a storage tank.
“Under these conditions, the production of green hydrogen thanks to the available surface areas on the various industrial buildings of the identified project players and partners (manufacturers of agri-food products, transporters, distributors, tractor and semi-trailer manufacturers) makes it possible to overcome the short- and medium-term limitations of the network of consumer recharging stations in operation or planned to date, and to accelerate the implementation and growth of the industrial project for the production and sale of semi-trailers and refrigerated trucks powered by hydrogen energy,” Chereau said in a statement.
H2Coldchain aims to industrialise hydrogen systems embedded in a refrigerated semi-trailer and also addresses the urgent call to decarbonise transport and cold chain energy using hydrogen energy.
The deployment of the production of green hydrogen, the distribution of hydrogen and the production and sale of hydrogen-powered refrigerated semi-trailers and prime movers should, according Chereau, act as a catalyst to initiate the hydrogen-powered cold chain market and enable an even faster and more extensive industrial deployment in the future.
Damien Destremau, President of The Reefer Group and Chereau, said the OEM is already engaged in the energy transition but despite his commitment to a neutral energy balance at his Ducey site by 2025 it is not enough.
“We still need to accelerate and federate, because if we want the world to change, more of us need to get involved,” he said. “In mid-April, in response to the call for expressions of interest issued by the French government, we proposed a hydrogen cold chain logistics project called H2Coldchain. This project has received many letters of support. So, I am also launching an appeal: food and pharmaceutical manufacturers, temperature-controlled transporters, distributors, join us. Let's totally decarbonise our industry by 2030, it's possible, the technologies are ready.”
In other news, Chereau helps Delanchy Group drive change with hydrogen-powered vehicles.